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Pupillage Advice

The Inn offers various opportunities for student members in their search for pupillage, including a Pupillage Foundation Scheme (PFS), Mock Interview Scheme and a Pupillage Advice Panel.

3 students at Call Day in front of New Square Fountain

The Pupillage Foundation Scheme was absolutely fantastic and I met so many incredible people. I am very grateful for it and I hope it continues to help other aspiring barristers network and improve their approach to Pupillage Applications.

Pupillage Foundation Scheme Participant (2023/24)

Pupillage Foundation Scheme

The Pupillage Foundation Scheme assists members who have completed their Bar Course and are in search of pupillage. The scheme offers an intensive pupillage application workshop and mock interview sessions, and a one to one mentor to offer on-going support throughout the pupillage application process.

The dates for the next Pupillage Foundation Scheme 2024/25 are below:

  • Monday 18 November 2024 – Introductory Evening
  • Wednesday 11 December 2024 – Application Review Workshop
  • Thursday 20 February 2025 – First-round Interview Practice Session
  •  Thursday 27 March 2025 – Second-round Interview Practice Session

Please be aware that participants are expected to commit fully throughout the scheme, as such participants must attend all four sessions in-person at the Inn. Participants travelling from outside of London may request re-imbursement for reasonable travel costs. After the Scheme’s past success and popularity, we have seen how much it can benefit individuals who are willing to participate fully.

To be eligible to apply, applicants must:

  • Be a member of the Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn.
  • Have completed the Bar Training Course or Bar Transfer Test.
  • Have applied for pupillage, and been unsuccessful at least once.
  • Have received a Very Competent/Merit/70% or above in the Bar Training Course or a Pass in the Bar Transfer Test (unless you have extenuating circumstances).
  • Intend to practice at the Bar of England and Wales.

Applications for the Pupillage Foundation Scheme 2024/25 are now closed. 

Please conact the Member Engagament Team with queries.

Mock Interview Scheme

The Inn will hold Mock Interview events after the close of the Pupillage Gateway every year.  The scheme is open to student members who have secured a pupillage interview. Due to high demand we will only be allowing students to attend one event per year and places will be given on a first come first served basis.

The events for 2024/25 will be held on the following dates:

Online: Wednesday 12 March 2025, Zoom
In Person: Wednesday 19 March 2025, Ashworth Centre

The link for students to sign up for the Mock Interview Scheme will be sent out in the New Year.

Pupillage Advice Evening

Just after the Pupillage Gateway opens, on 2 January 2025, we are hosting a Pupillage Advice Evening to assist members with applying for pupillage. The evening will involve talks from our members on tips for pupillage applications and pupillage interviews. This will be followed by a chance to ask any questions on getting pupillage to our expert panel. After the talks, we will be hosting a networking drinks reception which will allow prospective pupils to network with members from various practice areas and ask informal questions about attaining pupillage.

The event will take place on Tuesday 14 January 2025. There is the option to attend the event both in-person in the Ashworth Centre and online via Zoom.

To learn more or sign up to the event, please click here.

Simultaneous Circuit Events

This event will also be held in both the North Eastern and Midland Circuits for student and Called members of Lincoln’s Inn seeking pupillage who are not based in London. The talks will be streamed live to a local venue and local members of the Inn will attend for an in-person networking session following the talks. We hope this will allow our members on circuit to profit from this event as much as those based near the Inn. For more information, please click here.

Pupillage Application Review

The Inn will organise Pupillage Application Review Surgeries prior to the Pupillage Gateway deadline every year. Students will be paired with a member of the Bar who will review their application and provide feedback and advice. The aim is to assign you a barrister or judge with knowledge of the area of law or practice in which you have an interest but, inevitably, this will depend on demand.

Applications for the 2024/2025 Pupillage Application Review Surgery have now are now open. To submit your application, please click here.

The deadline to complete the Pupillage Application Surgery Form is 10am on Monday 13 January 2025.