Scholarships are available for barristers for the South Eastern Circuit’s Advanced Advocacy Course at Keble and for the Pegasus international placements.
Keble Scholarships
Application Process
Lincoln’s Inn is offering funding towards the cost of attending the Advanced International Advocacy Course at Keble College in Oxford for members who undertake largely publicly funded work.
The course is run by the South Eastern Circuit and more information about the course can be found on their website.
You will need to complete and submit both the application form for the course and the scholarship application form to Aaron Dolan of the South Eastern Circuit. Scholarship applications are then forwarded to the relevant Inn of Court. Please make sure you satisfy the application criteria before you apply. You can download the relevant forms on the South Eastern Circuit’s website.
Application Criteria
- A commitment (past and future) to practice at the publicly funded bar
- At least 3 years practice and completion of the New Practitioners’ Course Participants
- A high level of professional performance to date
- A need for financial assistance with the Keble course fees
- Any reasons why he/she would specifically benefit from the Keble Advocacy Course
- Previous assistance in the delivery of any aspect of the work of Lincoln’s Inn in providing services to its members and/or a willingness to assist in such provision in the future
Please note that to take up an Inn-funded place at the Keble course you must be a member of the South Eastern circuit. Please see joining the circuit for more information.
Pegasus Scholarships
The Pegasus Scholarships are funded equally by all four Inns and administered by Inner Temple. As Incoming Pegasus scholars, talented young lawyers from other countries will be able to gain work experience in a first class set of chambers for three months. As Outgoing Pegasus scholars, young English barristers will be able to travel abroad, live and work in other common law jurisdictions and in the European Community. For more information on the scholarships, please visit the Inner Temple website.