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Facilities Management

The Estates Department is responsible for facilities management of ‘hard services’. This includes heating, lighting, plumbing, and fire safety systems. If you have any queries relating to hard services please contact the Estates Helpdesk.

Soft services include window cleaning, cleaning, security, mail management, and waste management. If you have any queries relating to soft services please contact the Chief Porter on 020 7693 5108.

Estates Helpdesk

The Inn runs an Estates Helpdesk which is manned between 09:00 and 17:00, Monday to Friday, and provides maintenance and service facilities for the Inn’s tenants. The Helpdesk can be contacted on 020 7242 2954 or [email protected].

Out of hours, enquiries should be directed to the Gatehouse on 020 7693 5190.

A blue crane extends towards buildings made from dark brick.