Residential Lettings
Lincoln’s Inn owns a substantial number of residential flats, most of which are made available for letting to members of the Inn. Flats are offered for letting on assured shorthold tenancies for periods of four years, with a rent review after two years. The tenant is entitled to serve 3 months’ notice to terminate the tenancy after the first anniversary of the term.
The letting of the flats is intended to support members of the Inn in their work as a barrister (whether in private practice or employment) or as a judge, and to generate income to support the work of the Inn. The rents for flats are set at a level which reflects these twin objectives.
The flats are let on terms which prohibit their use as barristers’ chambers or for other professional or business purposes. Residents who are practising barristers must therefore practise from another address. A practising barrister who practises from another address does not infringe the terms of their tenancy by working on papers in their flat.
All the flats are within the curtilage of the Inn. Residents have access to the Inn’s gardens, and benefit from the security provided by the presence of wardens in the Gatehouse, which is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. No charge in addition to the rent is made for these benefits.
Many flats are situated on the upper floors of buildings, not all of which have lifts. Potential applicants are welcome to discuss particular flats with the Estates Department before deciding whether to view or to apply for a flat.
Members interested in applying for flats are encouraged to register their interest with the Estates Department [using the online form below], to receive notifications when flats become available.
Applications for flats must be made by a form – please click here for the application form.
The Inn reserves the right to seek references for applicants. Applicants will be informed if the Inn wishes to do this.
Applications for flats are considered by the Inn’s Estates Committee in accordance with the guidelines set out below. The information provided by applicants is treated as confidential to the members of the Committee and members of the Inn’s staff who support the Committee.
Flats are allocated at the discretion of the Committee. The Inn will not normally give reasons why an application was unsuccessful. All new tenancies will be required to commence within a calendar month of the tenancy being awarded.
Guidelines for allocation of flats
Where more than one application is received for the tenancy of a flat, in deciding on the allocation, the Estates Committee will have regard, amongst other relevant considerations, to the following guidelines:
- The Committee will only consider applications from members of Lincoln’s Inn. Those called by Lincoln’s Inn and those who are ad eundum members are equally eligible.
- The Committee will consider whether an applicant is in practice as a barrister, whether in private practice or employment, or is a serving judge. The Committee does not allocate flats to students or pupils: student and pupil accommodation is available as part of some of the Inn’s scholarships [via this link].
- The Committee will consider the extent to which having the use of a flat will support an applicant in their practice as a barrister, whether in private practice or employment, or in their work as a judge.
- The Committee will consider any contribution an applicant has made to the collegiate life and work of the Inn, whether in London or in the regions, and any such contributions an applicant intends to make in the future. Examples of such contributions include, but are not limited to, serving on Inn committees and supporting the Inn’s educational and outreach work. In considering such matters, the Committee will take into account any constraints that are drawn to their attention on an applicant’s ability to contribute. In the case of ad eundem members, the Committee may consider to what extent the applicant has contributed, or will in the future contribute, to the collegiate life and work of Lincoln’s Inn, as opposed to that of the other Inn to which they belong.
- The Committee will consider any contribution an applicant has made, otherwise than through the Inn, to support the administration of justice and the effectiveness and standards of the Bar of England and Wales, and any such contributions an applicant intends to make in the future. Examples of such contributions include, but are not limited to, work for circuit or specialist bar associations, and pro bono work. In considering such matters, the Committee will take into account any constraints that are drawn to their attention on an applicant’s ability to contribute.
- The Committee does not require applicants to demonstrate that a flat will be their only or principal home. The Committee will, however, consider the amount of use an applicant will make of a flat, and will, in general, prefer applications from those who will make extensive use of a flat over applications from those who will make only occasional use of a flat.
- The Committee will, in general, seek to match flats to the circumstances of applicants. In the case of a flat which would be suitable for use by more than one person, the Inn will consider information about who, in addition to the applicant, will use it.
- If an applicant, or a person who would use the flat with the applicant, has mobility or other personal issues which mean that only a limited range of flats will be suitable for them, the Committee will take that into account when allocating flats within that range.
- Applicants will not normally be given precedence on the ground that they made previous applications which were unsuccessful.
- The Committee will generally expect applicants to have viewed a flat for which they are applying.
Keeping any pets in the Inn’s residential accommodation is not allowed under the terms of the lease. It may be possible to allow a dog at the discretion of the Director of Estates but it must be discussed prior to application.
Please use the form below to register your interest in our residential lettings. Our Estates team will then add you to their mailing list so you are notified if suitable accommodation becomes available.
If you require overnight accommodation, please click here.

Residential Lettings
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