The Inn’s Charities
There are three charities that are closely connected to the Inn. Two relate to the educational aspect of the Inn and the other to the historic buildings.
Educational Charities
Both the Educational Awards Fund (charity number 1102415) and the Denning Fund (charity number 1102414) have charitable objectives linked to the advancement of the education of the students and pupil barristers of Lincoln’s Inn in the field of law.
Both charities support the overall provision of scholarships provided by the Inn by contributing on average 4% of the capital value of their Funds.
Donations to these funds have supported and continue to support young men and women studying for and starting to practise in legal professions and vocations needing financial support from sources other than public funds and family money.
Accordingly, awards are made to candidates of merit to assist them with their funding throughout the common professional examination, bar vocational course, and pupillage years because it is the Inn’s view that these are the years when students need the most financial support.
In making a grant the Denning Fund & Educational Award Fund Trustees expect the responsible Committee to supervise the spending of the monies granted. The Trustees are not themselves in a position to do so. Expenditure by Lincoln’s Inn is controlled and managed by its various officers and monitored by the Scholarships and Finance & General Purposes Committees. Lincoln’s Inn pays the individual in question on approval from the relevant Committees and on production of properly approved applications for scholarships payments. Once a payment has been made by the Inn, the Inn requests part or all of the promised contribution from the fund. The value of contributions is never more than the total value of scholarships; Lincoln’s Inn makes up any shortfall.
Heritage Fund
Charity Number: 293662
The Heritage Fund was created over twenty five years ago with the charitable objective to maintain, improve, repair and preserve the Inn’s heritage buildings.
Donating to one or more of these charities
It is hoped that members and friends of the Inn, knowing of the importance of these charities and the impact they have, will wish to make contributions to them.
Donations to the Heritage Fund can now be made quickly, easily and securely online via Just Giving.
For donations to our Educational Awards, please use the relevant donation form downloadable from this page. Attention is drawn to the need for UK taxpayers to sign the Gift Aid declaration at the bottom, so that this important benefit can be claimed. Your home address is also required, so please enter this in the section provided.
Any of these three charities will benefit considerably from legacies, so please think about this if you are making or remaking your will. All legacies, whatever their size, are much appreciated.