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Clubs & Competitions

Student members have the opportunity to participate in our Mooting and Debating Workshops, along with various student competitions.

Mooting & Debating Clubs

All student members of the Inn are encouraged to get involved in our Mooting and Debating Clubs. They provide excellent experience for pupillage interviews and future appearances in court, as well as networking opportunities with members of Hall. Both clubs also take part in various internal and external competitions. Competition selections are usually held during club meetings unless otherwise advertised. Most competitions are limited to those currently studying for the GDL (Graduate Diploma in Law) or Bar Practice Course but members who are pre/post-bar course are still very welcome to attend the club meetings. If you are a Lincoln’s Inn student member and would like to join either mailing list for the 2024/25 academic year, please email the Debating Secretaries ([email protected]) or the Mooting Secretaries ([email protected]).

Debating Club

Mooting Club 

Thursday 16 January 2025

Monday 20 January 2025

Wednesday 05 February 2025

Monday 03 March 2025

Thursday 06 March 2025

Tuesday 11 March 2025

Wednesday 26 March 2025

Wednesday 02 April 2025

Hear from some of our Debating Club tutors about why it is a great thing to get involved with and learn more about what it entails.

Student Competitions

The Inn runs five annual competitions for Lincoln’s Inn student members. Participation in these competitions has proven fantastic experience for future barristers and excellent CV material. Please note, participation at Inn competitions, will not count towards any qualifying sessions.

Crowther Shield Public Speaking Competition

This competition gives students the opportunity to present a plea in mitigation on behalf of an historical or fictional character under timed conditions. Previous cases used include Guy Fawkes (conspiracy to cause an explosion), Lady Macbeth (soliciting a murder) and Goldilocks (burglary and criminal damage).

The competition was held on Wednesday 11 December 2024, with 11 students taking part. Congratulations to the winner of this year’s competition Giorgio Rand, who won with his defence of Pontius Pilate (Perverting the course of justice by handing Jesus over to the mob. John 18:28).

Inter-Provider Mooting Competition

This competition is to find the best mooting team from each of the Bar Course providers. Preliminary selection rounds will be held for Lincoln’s Inn students at the BPTC Providers, using a speed-mooting system. The two highest scoring students will go through to represent their Provider in the final rounds, when the teams compete against each other to decide the winning team.

The IPMC Final was held on Saturday 08 June 2024. Congratulations to the winners Gwen Edmunds and William Moppett who were representing The Inns of Court College of Advocacy! Well done to all who took part and a special recognition to our runners up Samuel Lane and Joshua Turner who were representing City, University of London.

Debating Shield

This is an internal debating competition to find the best debating team in the Inn. Team selection will be held at the final Debating Club meeting of the year. Participants must have been selected at this Debating Club Workshop in order to progress to the final. The motion will be announced on the day and the final follow the format of a “British Parliamentary Debate”.

The 2023/24 Debate Shield Final Competition was held on Tuesday 30 April 2024. Congratulations to the winners Niamh Kenny and Katie Stephens!

Gluckstein Advocacy Prize

This is a competition to award the Sir Louis Gluckstein Prize for the best junior advocate at the Inn. It is open to current Bar Course students and those up to one year Call. Competitors are asked to prepare two exercises, a mixture of criminal, civil and family, and will be allocated randomly. The competition will consist of an initial round from which the judges will select up to eight participants to compete in the final.

The competition was held on Saturday 20 April 2024. Congratulations to the winner of this year’s competition Matthew Jahanfar! Well done to all who took part and a special recognition to our runner up and 3rd place competitors, Adnan Khaliq and Victoria Bradshaw.

Student Legal Essay Competitions

The Inn’s annual Student Law Journal invites students to submit essays for any legal area of interest.

All entries will be reviewed by a panel of Benchers and Barristers who will select the top 10 entries to be included in the journal. After selection, the journal will be published online with hard copies being stored in the Inn’s library.

In addition to inclusion within the law journal, there are two named essay prizes available:


Lord Millett Equity Essay Prize

The Lord Millett Equity Essay Prize is awarded to the student with the best essay on the subject of equity in the law.

The Lord Millett Equity Essay Prize is made possible by a generous legacy left to the Inn by The Rt Hon Lord Millett, who was Treasurer of the Inn in 2004.  In agreement with his family, we have established the essay prize in the field of equity, of which Lord Millett was the outstanding exponent of his time.


Lincoln’s Inn Essay Prize

The Lincoln’s Inn Essay Prize is awarded to the student with the best overall essay on any other legal subject.

Students are permitted to enter essays for both prizes should they wish to. Please note that students cannot submit the same essay for both prizes.

In addition to these prizes, there will also be a prize for overall 2nd and 3rd place.



Prizes are available in the following categories:

1.     Lincoln’s Inn Essay Prize: £500 & Lincoln’s Inn Pen

2.     Lord Millett Equity Essay Prize: £500 & Lincoln’s Inn Pen

3.     Overall 2nd place: £50 & Lincoln’s Inn Pen

4.     Overall 3rd place: Lincoln’s Inn Pen


The deadline for submissions for the 2024/25 Student Law Journal is 09:00 on Monday 25th November 2024.


To read the full competition rules, click here.

Essays must be submitted with a completed Submission & Plagiarism Declaration.  Click here to download the form.

You can read the 2024 Student Law Journal here.

Competition Dates & Entry


Ballot Entry or Selection Night

Date of Final

Crowther Shield Public Speaking Competition

Student members of the Inn.

Ballot closed.

Wednesday 11 December 2024.

Inter-Provider Mooting Competition

Current Bar student members.

  • London Bar Course Providers – the teams are selected at the Inn, at the final Mooting Club meeting (Wednesday 02 April 2025).
  • Outside of London Bar Students – selection arranged by Student Representatives.

Saturday 07 June 2025.

Debating Shield Competition

Student members of the Inn.

Selection at the final Debating Club Workshop (Wednesday 26 March 2025).

Thursday 01 May 2025.

Sir Louis Gluckstein Advocacy Prize

Members of the Inn who are up to one year post-Call.

Ballot opens late February 2025.

Saturday 10 May 2025.

Student Legal Essay Competitions

Student members of the Inn.

  • Call for papers – 20 September 2024.
  • Deadline for submission – Monday 25 November 2024.

The Student Law Journal will be published March 2025.