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Lecture Night (Online) – Career Development

The event has ended.
Ashworth Centre, Lincoln's Inn

At this Qualifying Session it will explore the paths of legal professionals as they share their motivations, pupillage experiences and career progressions. The panel will discuss how they secured their roles, their early and current work, and their future aspirations in the field.

Speakers: Richard Ive, Eleanor Lucas, Jack Meek, Emilio Pagliocchini, Daniel Thorpe and Ralph Marnham

Themes: Preparation for Pupillage, Career Development & Wellbeing


17.45: Registration

18.00 until 19.30

Materials and Preparation: No preparation required

Learning Aims: The aim of this Qualifying Session is to recognize opportunities for career development within the junior and independent bar, discuss how to build a practice by balancing specialization with general practice and weighing the pros and cons of each, and understand the importance of managing relationships with clerks and professional clients.

Professional Statement Reference: (Access the full Professional Statement for Barristers here):
1.3 : Have a knowledge and understanding of the law and procedure relevant to their area(s) of practice.
1.16 : Comply with regulatory requirements set down by the Bar Standards Board, including the Code of Conduct.
2.6 : Ensure they practise with adaptability and flexibility, by being self-aware and self-directed, recognising and acting upon the continual need to maintain and develop their knowledge and skills.