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Challenges to contracts on the basis of ‘fairness’: Routes of challenge and common issues – 26 February


Wednesday 26 February 2020

Challenges to contracts on the basis of “fairness”: Routes of challenge and common issues

Speaker: Simon Popplewell (Gough Square Chambers)

Chaired by: Iain Macdonald (Gough Square Chambers)

Kindly hosted by

Gough Square Chambers,
6-7 Gough Square, Holborn, London EC4A 3DE

6pm (registration 5.30pm)

Followed by drinks and networking

Attendance at the seminar is free for BACFI members, £20 non-members. To attend you must register beforehand due to limited spaces and security arrangements at the venue.

To register or if you have any queries please email [email protected] or call 07507237218

Representation, Education and Support for Employed Barristers