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In Conversation: The Treasurer of the Inner Temple with the Chair of the Bar – Tuesday 24 March

In Conversation: The Treasurer of The Inner Temple with the Chair of the Bar

Guy Fetherstonhaugh QC, Treasurer of The Inner Temple, and Amanda Pinto QC, Chair of the Bar, question each other on issues facing the Bar:

  • What the Bar Council does for us?
  • What the Inns do for us?
  • How these structures continue to be relevant to our modern age?
  • Why the busy practitioner should engage, and how?

Venue: The Temple Church, London EC4Y 7BB

5.30pm for 6pm

Followed by a reception

Tickets: Free but booking essential

To book:

Bookings/Cancellations by 20 March.

Event contact: [email protected]