Report from the Paul Heim Education Award recipient 2022, Natasha King

I am extremely grateful to Lincoln’s Inn for enabling me to complete the Hague Academy Summer Course in Private International Law. The course was academically enriching, professionally rewarding and personally fulfilling.
My three weeks in the Hague were evenly split between fascinating lectures at the Peace Palace, visits to international courts, organisations, and embassies, and a busy schedule of other networking opportunities and social events.
While I primarily attended the course to further my passion for international arbitration and international economic law, the courses I ended up enjoying most were those in other developing and cutting-edge areas of private international law. Highlights for me included Professor Nuyt’s course on conflict of law issues applicable to cyber-torts in the European Union, Professor’s Roosevelt’s course on developing the third Restatement of Conflict of Laws in the United States, and Professor’s Yeo’s course on the interaction between common law, equity, and choice of law principles in Commonwealth jurisdictions.
Equally enriching was the diverse cohort of the program, with students and practitioners from all over the world, each with an interesting personal and professional story. I made many lifelong connections and got to brush up on my skills in several languages (particularly in view of the many native French speakers on the course!) Best of all, there was also plenty of time on weekends to spend day-tripping around the Netherlands and swimming at Scheveningen beach.
I would highly recommend the course as an excellent experience for any students or practitioners with an interest in public and/or private international law.
The Paul Heim Education Award, provides funding for short courses of study in European/human rights law. Applications to this year’s European Scholarships are open until 27 February 2023 at 10 am. Find out more.