The Treasurer’s End of Year Message 2024
My year as Treasurer is almost over, and yet it seems hardly any time since the Inauguration Service, when I had the pleasure of singing with the choir in Chapel. In a neat coincidence, at the final Call service of the year last month, at the Preacher’s request I stepped up to lead the congregation singing hymns in the absence of an organist – not something I will forget in a hurry! The congregation responded magnificently.
Over the last 12 months, I have hugely enjoyed the opportunity to play a full part in the life and work of the Inn, this extraordinary international family dedicated to the rule of law and to access to justice. This has taken me behind the scenes as well as presiding at dinners and representing the Inn externally. Participating in the educational activities has been a particular pleasure for me and for Beverly, my wife, also an Inn member. This volunteering and educational drive is at the centre of our purpose, and I hope I will be able to continue to take part.
Of course, every Treasurer is responsible for advancing the business of the Inn as well as participating in its collegiate life. This year we have achieved a significant milestone in replacing outdated Standing Orders with new Articles and Standing Orders. In a society of independent minded lawyers, it was a real challenge to prepare governance instruments in a way that secured unanimous agreement. I am grateful to Council for the restrained maturity with which it debated the few contentious points of principle. But the real credit goes to my predecessor Sir Geoffrey Vos, his drafting team and above all to Amanda Jeffery for all their meticulous hard work on all the detail. We now have in place updated rules which will be easier to adapt in the future.
While the Inn is physically based in central London, we continue to build our presence on Circuits. I enjoyed circuit dinners in Bristol and Leeds and meeting colleagues from Circuits when they visited London. Now the overnight accommodation is available again, it is wonderful to be able to offer a base at the Inn.
Our outward looking and inclusive culture was also reflected at our Diversity Dinner, with Lord Boateng as our inspirational guest speaker followed by music and dancing in Hall, and in our panel session in July celebrating South Asian judges. And just last month it was a pleasure to welcome as an Honorary Bencher Judge Síofra O’Leary, past president of the European Court of Human Rights (read her EDI Keynote lecture here).
We are uniquely privileged here to be served so well by our loyal, dedicated and delightful staff, led by Anne our Under Treasurer, without whose wisdom, friendship, determination and sheer hard work my job would have been quite impossible. We are going to be sad to lose her next Easter, and owe her a great debt of gratitude. I am sure you will all join me in wishing her happiness and fulfilment in the future.
It has been an honour to serve the Inn which has supported me for over fifty years, building on the foundations laid by the 516 Treasurers who preceded me. I know that Sir Paul Morgan who succeeds me will serve the Inn with great dedication, and I wish him well.
Meanwhile I wish all of you a happy Christmas and a restful holiday.
The Rt Hon Lord Briggs of Westbourne
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