New Honorary KC appointments for two Inn Benchers
Congratulations to Susanna McGibbon (Ordinary Bencher and Keeper of the Walks) and Professor Martin Dixon (Honorary Bencher) who have been appointed Honorary Kings Counsel.
The news follows last week’s new silks announcement by Lord Chancellor, in which 27 members of Lincoln’s Inn were appointed KCs.
Professor Martin Dixon
Professor Dixon is a legal scholar specialising in real property law. He is the Professor of the Law of Real Property at the University of Cambridge, where he is also Director of the Cambridge Centre for Property Law (CCPL) and a Fellow of Queens’ College.
He was nominated for his work on property law through his scholarship, co-authorship of leading practitioner texts, and participation in Law Commission projects. Additionally, for his co-founding of the Modern Studies in Property Law Conference and for his Editorship of The Conveyancer. He is an Honorary Bencher of Lincoln’s Inn.

Susanna McGibbon
“I am deeply honoured to be appointed as Honorary King’s Counsel. It is a privilege to lead the government legal profession doing such important work for the government and the country. Government lawyers are fundamental to upholding and furthering the rule of law, which positively impacts citizens across the country.”
Susanna McGibbon is an employed barrister and the current Treasury Solicitor, HM Procurator General and Permanent Secretary of the Government Legal Department (GLD). As the most senior Civil Service lawyer she is head of the Government Legal Profession. Her previous roles include serving as Director of GLD Litigation Group, Legal Director at the Department for Communities and Local Government and Legal Director at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. She is a Bencher of Lincoln’s Inn and this year holds the office of Keeper of the Walks.
Ms McGibbon was nominated for her legal advice on complex and sensitive issues within government especially in public and administrative law and national security. Also, for her leadership in a range of high-profile cases and inquiries and for her advocacy for diversity and inclusion across the legal profession.
Read more about the Honorary KC appointments on