“Career Progression” (Online)
This Qualifying Session is a lecture on workplace challenges and the initiatives available to support career development.
Anna Laney, Alex Dos Santos Esq and Helen Brander
QS value: 1
QS theme: Preparation for Pupillage, Career Development and Wellbeing
Interactive?: No
Materials and Preparation:
No preparation required
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this Qualifying Session students will be able to:
· Recognise opportunities for career development outside of practice areas.
· Recognise that career progression can result in an improved work/life balance.
· Consider how to turn perceived failure into opportunity.
Professional Statement Reference: (Access the full Professional Statement for Barristers here)
2.6 : Ensure they practise with adaptability and flexibility, by being selfaware and self-directed, recognising and acting upon the continual need to maintain and develop their knowledge and skills.
4.1.1: Possess a strong understanding of the specific implications of being a self-employed barrister
4.2 : Possess sufficient understanding of organisational and management skills to be able to maintain an effective and efficient practice.