Denning Society Annual Lecture
Lincoln’s Inn Denning Society is pleased to announce that the Society’s Annual Lecture will be delivered by The Hon. Mr Justice Gerard Hogan, Judge of the Supreme Court of Ireland and former Advocate General of the European Court of Justice.
Title: Alfred Thomson Denning: A 20th Century English Legal Icon Re-Examined.
Doors Open: 5:45 pm
Lecture: 6:00 pm
Drinks Reception: 7:00 pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre, Ashworth Centre and live streamed via Zoom.
Dress Code: Lounge Suits or equivalent
All members are welcome, and the event is free but prior registration is required. Those who would like to attend remotely will be emailed the Zoom link the morning of the event. Guests are not permitted, due to restrictions on numbers.
Barristers may wish to include attendance on their CPD record as 1 hour.
Please note, this event is not a qualifying session.
If you would like to book or have any questions about the event, please email the Member Engagement team.