Qualifying Session Lecture (Online)
Speakers: Master Shuman, Rebecca Foulkes, James Manning Esq and Andrew Brown Esq
Title: Online advocacy – the brave new world?
Theme: Advocacy Skills
5.45pm: Registration
6.00pm: Lecture Starts
Guests: Guests are not permitted.
Materials and Preparation: No preparation required.
Learning Outcomes: At the end of this Qualifying Session students will be able to:
· Compare technologies and practical issues for online advocacy.
· Describe techniques and tips for online advocacy.
· Explain the advantages and disadvantages as far as productivity and efficiency are concerned in online advocacy.
Professional Statement Reference: (Access the full Professional Statement for Barristers here)
1.3 : Have a knowledge and understanding of the law and procedure relevant to their area(s) of practice.
1.15 : Have persuasive oral advocacy skills.
Students wishing to book qualifying sessions, should do so via the Online Booking System.
Specially Qualified Applicants should email the Education Services Manager.
This event is a Qualifying Session.