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“The Second Six and Beyond” Panel Event (Online)

The event has ended.
18:00 - 19:30
Online Zoom Event

A panel of junior barristers will lead a discussion before the floor is opened up to questions from the audience. This is an opportunity to ask any difficult questions you may have about second and third six, tenancy applications and life in chambers more generally, in an informal setting and under the Chatham House Rule.

Our panel of speakers will comprise:

  • India Flanagan (she/her) – tenant at Thomas More Chambers.
  • Oscar Davies (they/them) – tenant at Lamb Buildings.
  • Samantha Ball (she/her) – probationary tenant at 3 Temple Gardens.
  • Selena Jones (she/her) – tenant at 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square

The event will be followed by a Q&A session. You will be asked to submit your questions for the panel when you register for the event.

Once the pre-submitted questions have been answered, it will also be possible to ask questions during the Q&A to better foster open discussion.

This event is open to all, specifically current/prospective pupils and junior barristers, including members of other Inns.

Please note this is a free event but booking via Eventbrite is essential.

This event is not a qualifying session.

If you have any questions about the event please contact the Member Engagement Team ([email protected]).