William Stevenson QC Memorial Lecture – ‘Legal Aid, ‘a pillar of the Welfare State’? (Online)
This Qualifying Session is a lecture on the origins of Legal Aid and the impact of Legal Aid reform.
Speakers: Dr John Carrier, HH Judge Patricia Pearl and Joanne Kane
Themes: Legal Knowledge, Justice and the Rule of Law
5.45pm: Registration
6.00 pm until 7.30pm
Materials and Preparation: No preparation required
Learning Outcomes: At the end of this Qualifying Session students will be able to:
· Explain the importance of the 1949 Legal Aid and Advice Act and subsequent legislation
· Discuss the origins and recent history of Legal Aid and its relationship to the Welfare State.
Professional Statement Reference: (Access the full Professional Statement for Barristers here)
1.3 : Have a knowledge and understanding of the law and procedure relevant to their area(s) of practice.
2.1 : Act with the utmost integrity and independence at all times, in the interests of justice, representing clients with courage, perseverance and fearlessness.
Booking: Please book via the Online Booking System.
Cancellation Policy: Students should consider all bookings a professional commitment and should only book onto an event if they fully plan on attending. Once booked on, students will be unable to cancel and receive a refund other than in exceptional circumstances.
This event is a Qualifying Session.