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The work of developing the Inn’s policy and monitoring implementation is carried out by the Inn’s Standing Committees.

Council is responsible for the oversight of the Inn’s functions and the election of new Benchers but the detailed oversight is carried out by these committees.  The committees are chaired by Benchers of the Inn and Benchers make up the majority of the membership of the committees but are joined in this work by barristers of the Inn, primarily drawn from the Inn’s Bar Representation Committee.

Advisory (Benchers) Committee
The Advisory (Benchers) Committee is responsible for selecting candidates that are considered by Council for election as Ordinary Benchers. It is also responsible for considering proposals and recommendations for Honorary Benchers and providing Council with recommendations for their review.

Audit and Risk Committee
The Audit and Risk Committee has responsibility for monitoring the reliability and integrity of governance, risk and management controls within the Inn and reviewing the policies and procedures for reporting financial and other matters, including performance and risk management.

Chapel Committee
The role of the Committee is to determine the policy for use and upkeep of the Chapel. This includes approval for fees for the Organist and Choir; and major projects or items of expenditure.

Chattels Committee
The main role of the committee is to determine the policy for maintenance and safe keeping of the pictures, silver and other chattels of artistic merit of the Inn. The committee also oversees the sale or purchase for the Inn of pictures, silver or other such chattels where appropriate. Finally, it administers the valuation and insurance of the Inn’s pictures, silver and other such chattels.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee
The EDI Committee has responsibility for developing, overseeing and monitoring implementation of EDI strategy for the Inn, developing and supporting EDI initiatives directed at widening access to the profession, strengthening diversity and inclusion at the Inn, and supporting members from diverse backgrounds in their professional careers and development.

Estates Committee
The Estates Committee has overall responsibility for the management, maintenance and improvement of the estate, including the fabric of the tenanted and collegiate buildings and the Inn’s Bar, commercial and residential tenants and the implementation of related funded projects.

Finance and General Purposes Committee (F&GP)
F&GP oversees the Inn’s financial affairs and other Inn affairs as are not ordinarily dealt with by Council, or are not the responsibility of another committee, in particular with a view to ensuring the Inn’s short and long term viability.

Gardens Committee
The Gardens Committee is responsible for setting and monitoring the horticultural, ecological and environmental standards of the gardens. The committee also provides control and approval of any projects associated with the grounds or landscape.

Hospitality, Events and Dining Committee
The purpose of the committee is to oversee the efficient running of the Inn’s hospitality and catering operations, to consider and approve the annual budget for the catering operations and to monitor the financial performance and quality of the catering operations throughout the year.

Investments Committee
The Investment Committee is responsible for appointing and monitoring the performance of the Inn’s Investment Managers and Advisors. In addition it monitors the Inn’s investment portfolios and makes any necessary amendments to the Inn’s long term and short term investment strategy, including setting and monitoring of benchmarks and asset allocations. It also provides investment related recommendations to the Finance & General Purposes Committee.

Library Committee
The Library Committee is responsible for general policy matters relating to the Library and supervises the selection of books and journals to be bought, for which a range of legal expertise amongst its members is required. It is responsible for the Inn’s archives, including the modern Treasury Office and departmental records as well as the Inn’s historical records. The Black Books Society, the Inn’s historical society, reports to the committee. The committee recommends to the Finance & General Purposes Committee a draft annual budget for the Library. It also considers matters arising from meetings of the Inns of Court Libraries Liaison Committee, which the Chair and the Librarian attend.

Planning and Development Group (PADG)
PADG provides advice to Council to enable the development of medium to long term views and plans, for example concerning regulatory developments, general policy and support of the Inn’s members. It may also consider issues which arise in the light of changing business, legislative, regulatory or other conditions. PADG reports periodically to Council and may make recommendations to Council for approval and dissemination to the Inn’s Committees. It carries out any responsibilities and duties delegated to it by Council and may study or investigate any matters it deems appropriate, or which are referred to it by Council.

Post-Call Committee
The Post-Call Education Committee has responsibility for oversight of all matters relating to advocacy and ethics training for Pupils and New Practitioners, education & training for established practitioners, training and grading of Advocacy Tutors and international advocacy training.

Pre-Call Committee
The Pre-Call Education Committee has responsibility for oversight of all matters relating to outreach, admission, education and training and Call to the Bar of students. This includes insight events for prospective students, liaison with universities, admission and Call to the Bar, qualifying sessions and student activities for current students.

Scholarships Committee
The role of the Scholarships Committee is to consider matters relating to the interviewing and awarding of the Inn’s GDL and Bar Course scholarships as well as the awarding of the Inn’s Pupillage Grants and Bar Course prizes. It is responsible for recommending the Inn’s annual Scholarships budget to the Finance & General Purposes Committee and for monitoring the progress and achievement of the Inn’s scholars.

Staff Committee
The Staff Committee considers matters relating to the recruitment, pay, workforce management, benefits and staff policies for all employees of the Inn. It is responsible for recommending the Inn’s annual staff salaries budget to the Finance & General Purposes Committee and may be asked by the Treasurer or the Under Treasurer to hear and determine a disciplinary or grievance matter involving senior members of staff; or to hear and determine an appeal in a disciplinary or grievance matter where the initial decision has been taken by the Under Treasurer.