CPD Day – Saturday 16 November
Saturday 16 November
9.45 am – 5.30 pm; Middle Temple Hall and Bench Apartments
Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Open to members of all Inns of Court.
6 CPD hours
The focus of the Day will be on updating key skills for everyday practice at the Bar with opportunities to learn from senior lawyers and judges, join in the discussion & share ideas with colleagues and other barristers. The topics of the day relate to the knowledge, skills and attributes set out in the BSB Professional Statement.
A full day of learning from judges and senior members of the Bar about being an effective advocate. Speakers will share a wide range of insights about advocacy in the criminal, civil and family courts – and beyond. Sessions will include:
· Legal knowledge: To include a comprehensive update relevant to your area of practice
· Legal knowledge: An Advocacy focused masterclass
· Ethics Forum: our experts give their views on knotty problems of professional conduct
· Putting the client first: Client care and dealing with vulnerable clients
· Practice Management
The keynote speaker will be Lord Justice Adrian Fulford.
Suitable for criminal, civil and family practitioners at all levels of Call. 6 CPD hours
Up to 7 years’ Call: £50
Over 7 years’ Call: £120
Queen’s Counsel: £180
Pupils: £50
20% Discount for Members of the Middle Temple