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The Treasurer’s Welcome Message 2025

The Hon Sir Paul Morgan shares a welcome message and outlines his vision for the upcoming year at the Inn.

The Hon Sir Paul Morgan smiles at the camera. He is a white man with balding grey hair. He wears a charcoal suit, a white shirt and a silk tie patterned with a Lincoln's Inn design (golden chevrons on a blue background).

Happy New Year. I very much hope that you and your families have all enjoyed a well-earned rest over the holiday season.

I am honoured to take up the role of Treasurer of Lincoln’s Inn for 2025, a historic position, which brings with it a responsibility for safeguarding the legacy of this great institution and maintaining its relevance in the 21st century.

All of us have reason to be grateful for the commitment and service given by Michael Briggs, my immediate predecessor as Treasurer. Despite a very demanding position as a Justice of the Supreme Court, Michael has throughout been available to the Inn’s executive staff. In particular, throughout the year, Michael has displayed consistent good humour and fairness in achieving a broad consensus for the changes to our Articles and Standing Orders.

Indeed, since I was first elected as an Officer of the Inn, I have been able to see at close quarters the hard work, leadership and vision displayed by all of our recent Treasurers. We have been fortunate to be able to call on their talents and skills. During my year as Treasurer, I will attempt to live up to the high standards they have set.

But a Treasurer holds office for only one year. The Benchers, acting in Council, remain responsible for making wise and properly considered decisions. Furthermore, there is a lot of work to be done by the Inn in a typical year. We depend vitally on the dedicated work of members at all levels, in education, scholarships, outreach, and on our many committees. That commitment from members is underpinned by the consistent work of our team of expert employees. Some of this work is visible every day, running events, providing hospitality and supporting Inn governance: others are less visible but equally vital in maintaining our buildings and running systems such as HR, finance and IT systems.

In recent years we have achieved a lot together. I can specifically mention governance, diversity and inclusion but also a proper appreciation of our financial position. As always, there is more to be done and there will be challenges which we have not yet anticipated. It is likely that we will spend time this year forming our opinions as to the timing of call. I look forward to a constructive exchange of views on that subject. Let us try to reach a broad consensus.

Whatever this year may bring, I know that we can all look to each other for mutual support, and that everyone will continue to manifest the same collaborative spirit that has brought the Inn this far. If we work together in that way, we can hope to thrive in the long term also.

I am looking forward to playing my part in this partnership based on the Inn’s values.

My very best wishes to you all for 2025.

The Hon Sir Paul Morgan signs the book of Treasurer's at his inauguration in Old Hall - next to him is the Rt Hon Lord Briggs of Westbourne, previous Treasurer. Both men wear grey suits and blue ties.

The Hon Sir Paul Morgan
Sir Paul Morgan was called to the Bar by Lincoln’s Inn in 1975 and took Silk in 1992. He specialised in property law. He was appointed a High Court Judge in 2007 and was assigned to the Chancery Division. He retired as a judge in September 2021 and now practises as an arbitrator and mediator from Wilberforce Chambers. He was a member of the KC Appointments Panel in 2023 and 2024.

Paul was elected as a Bencher in 2001 and has served as Chair of the Inn’s Estates and Audit and Risk Committees. He has also served on the Planning and Development Group, the Finance and General Purposes Committee, the Pre-Call Committee and the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee.

Image: The Treasurer, The Hon Sir Paul Morgan, signs his name in the ‘Treasurer’s of Lincoln’s Inn Since A.D. 1586’ book, watched over by the Immediate Past Treasurer, The Rt Hon Lord Briggs of Westbourne. Photo taken at the Treasurer’s inauguration in the Old Hall at Lincoln’s Inn on Monday 13 January 2025.