Lincoln’s Inn awarded a Bar Council Certificate of Recognition for Wellbeing
The Inn has been awarded a Bar Council Certificate of Recognition for our commitment to promoting the wellbeing of members and employees.
The Bar Council introduced this certificate to recognise the efforts made to promote wellbeing across the Bar. Chambers, Specialist Bar Associations, Circuits, Inns and organisations that employ barristers can apply. The Certificate acts as a beacon of good wellbeing practice at the Bar for those who receive it and Lincoln’s Inn is proud to have our commitment to wellbeing recognised in this way.
The Inn’s Social & Wellbeing Group organise a range of events and initiatives throughout the year to improve the wellbeing of our members. Information on upcoming wellbeing events can be found in our What’s On calendar and are also advertised in our members’ newsletter. All members are welcome to attend.
Further information on wellbeing support for members can be found on the Wellbeing page of our website.