Psychological wellbeing is rarely spoken about within the Bar but is an important subject given the challenges faced in the profession. The below assistance programmes have been designed to help members find sources of information and support, should they need it. The Inn’s Social and Wellbeing Group also organise regular wellbeing events for members and all are welcome to join these activities.

In 2023 Lincoln’s Inn was proud to be awarded a Bar Council Certificate of Recognition for our commitment to promoting the wellbeing of members and employees.
Bar Council Wellbeing
The Bar Council are seeking to address and support the challenges facing the legal profession. You can access support by visiting the Bar Council’s Wellbeing page. This is supported by the Inns, the Bar Standards Board and Bar Council plus other legal workplaces and is there to assist all within law with their mental health and wellbeing. There is advice and information on helplines which can help you if you require additional support and advice during these times.
Wellbeing at the Self-employed Bar
Are you feeling stressed or overwhelmed? The pressures of life at the self-employed Bar can be challenging. If you are looking for support, the Assistance Programme can offer confidential help. The Bar Council, Institute of Barristers’ Clerks (‘IBC’) and the Legal Practice Managers’ Association (‘LPMA’) provide an Assistance Programme to all self-employed barristers with a practising certificate as well as members of the IBC and LPMA. BMIF kindly fund use of this Service by self-employed barristers.
Pre-Pupillage Wellbeing Assistance Programme
The four Inns of Court jointly provide a free and confidential Wellbeing Assistance Programme for our members who have completed the Bar course within the last five years and are seeking pupillage. It is aimed at helping you to deal with personal and professional problems that could be affecting your home life or work life, health and wellbeing. Pupils and members of the self-employed Bar will have access to the Wellbeing at the Bar Assistance Programme (see above). Members of the Employed Bar will be covered by your own employers’ Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs).
To access support, please email Anna McCole, Member Engagement Manager. You will be asked to provide the Inn with some basic information so that we can identify you from our records and verify your eligibility to use the service. If you are eligible for the scheme, you will be provided with access details via email.
Please note, the Assistance Programme is entirely confidential. The Inn does not require any information about why eligible members would like to access the service.
LawCare is the mental wellbeing charity for the legal profession offering free, confidential, emotional support, peer support, and resources to those working in the law. LawCare runs a peer supporters programme offering one-to-one support. They have around 100 peer supporters, all volunteers who have first-hand experience of working in the law and may have been through difficult times themselves. They promote mental health and wellbeing best practice in legal workplaces and drive culture change in education, training and practice. They also offer support, encouragement and mentoring on a range of different issues such as alcohol addiction, stress and anxiety.
If you need support contact them on 0800 279 6888, [email protected] or go to the LawCare website to access online chat and other resources.