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Booking, Cancellation & Attendance

For all qualifying sessions, except for residential weekends and advocacy and ethics days, booking closes five working days before the event. Students will be informed of the booking deadline for residential weekends if they are successful in the ballot.

Students are required to complete the registration process at each event they attend in order to receive their qualifying sessions. Failure to complete the relevant registration process at qualifying sessions will mean your attendance will not be counted as a qualifying session. It is not permitted to register on behalf of another student or give up your place to fellow students if you are unable to attend. Any disregard for this rule will result in disciplinary action being taken.


If you wish to book online, please log in to the online booking system to register and you will be emailed a password.  It is recommended that you change this to something more memorable when you log in for the first time.  If you forget your password at any time, please use the link on the online booking system login page to reset your password.  Payment is made using Sage Pay which accepts all major credit and debit cards.


Students should consider all bookings a professional commitment and should only book onto an event if they fully plan on attending. Once booked on, students will be unable to cancel and receive a refund, other than in exceptional circumstances, and will be required to provide evidence to support this.

If you know that you will be late or unable to attend an event in person or online, you must let us know by calling 020 7405 1393 or by emailing [email protected]. Students who fail to attend a booked session without prior notice will be required to explain to themselves in writing to the Education Department.

Students who fail to attend or arrive late on more than one occasion are liable to be required to attend an interview with a bencher, or senior member of the Inn, before they can be called to the Bar.


In-person events:  At most in-person qualifying sessions, students are required to register at the start and sign a signature sheet at the end of the event to record their attendance. Your name, plus your membership number must be given. The registration process for some qualifying sessions may vary but members of the Inn’s staff or your Student Representatives will be on hand to help.

Online events:  Students will be sent a registration link for Zoom which will generate a secure password to join online sessions. Your attendance will be verified by a report on sign in/out times at each event.  There are no signature sheets to sign at online sessions.  If you drop out of the meeting due to internet or connection issues, you will be asked to sign back in as soon as possible using the details. You will only have three attempts to re-join the session and if you find your connection is continuously unstable after this, you will not be able to continue, and the qualifying session will not be credited but you may apply for a refund.  You will need to provide evidence both of your internet issues at the time and that your usual internet package and speed is sufficient to join video calls.  We will only consider applications for refunds if this is not a persistent problem. If you believe the issue is not being caused by your internet connection, for example that it is a problem with Zoom, and you wish to apply for a refund please send us evidence of this such as a screen shot of an internet speed test.

Timings & Lateness

Latecomers will not be credited with the qualifying sessions available. You should arrive promptly and allow ample travelling time. For all qualifying sessions (including online sessions) there is an arrival time when registration takes place and a start time when the event will commence. If you arrive at or after the start time you will not be credited with the qualifying session.

For all events you must stay until the end, including the drinks reception or dinner in order to receive the qualifying session credits. For online sessions, you will be permitted to leave when told by the staff or your tutors that the session has finished. The finish times in the table below are provided as a guide and may vary

The Inn has the power to grant waivers for lateness and non-attendance at the required number of qualifying sessions. However, these waivers are only granted in truly exceptional cases. Should you wish to apply for a waiver you must email [email protected]. You will need to explain as fully as possible the reason for your application and the circumstances that you believe are exceptional.

Usual timings for qualifying sessions are below. Finish times are provided as a guide and may vary.


Arrival & Start Time (In-person)

Finish Time (In-person)

Arrival & Start Time (Online)

Finish Time (Online)

Advocacy & Ethics Day

10.00 for 10.30 am

3.00 pm

Not available

Not available

Advocacy Workshop

5.30 for 6.00 pm

8.30 pm

Not available

Not available

Ethics Workshop

5.30 for 6.00 pm

8.30 pm

Not available

Not available

Debate Dinner

6.00 for 6.15 pm

9.45 pm

Not available

Not available

Hybrid Lecture Night

5.45 for 6.00 pm

7.30 pm

5.45 for 6.00 pm

7.30 pm

Lecture & Domus

5.45 for 6.00 pm

9.15 pm

Not available

Not available

Legal Research Training

5.45 for 6.00 pm

7.30 pm

5.45 for 6.00 pm

7.30 pm

Residential Weekend

6.00 pm on Friday

By 4.00 pm on Sunday

Not available

Not available

Dress Code

Unless otherwise stated in the booking or event information, the dress code for all qualifying sessions is basically what you would be permitted to wear in court. This means a dark suit, with a shirt and a dark tie, blouse or formal top, as appropriate, and dark smart shoes. A dark dress or skirt is acceptable but should be no shorter than knee length and must be worn with a jacket.

When gowns are required for a qualifying session, they will be made available in the cloakrooms. They must be returned at the end of the evening. Entry will be refused to any student who is not dressed appropriately. There is no specific dress code for online events, but please dress appropriately.

A group of people sit around a grey conference table. A Mac is open in the foreground.

Book your Qualifying Session online

Log in to the online booking system to register