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Qualifying Session Programme

There are four Legal Terms: Michaelmas, Hilary, Easter and Trinity. The Inn holds qualifying sessions during each Legal Term. The number of qualifying sessions in each term varies, with the Easter and Trinity Terms having the fewest events. Do plan ahead and think carefully about which qualifying sessions you wish to attend so that you do not need to fit a large number in at the end of the academic year. Please note that it is not possible to obtain all ten of your qualifying sessions in the Trinity Term.



Booking Opens

Michaelmas 2024

Tuesday 01 October – Friday 20 December

Wednesday 02 October

Hilary 2025

Monday 13 January  – Wednesday 16 April

Monday 13 January

Easter 2025

Tuesday 29 April – Friday 30 May

Tuesday 29 April

Trinity 2025

Tuesday 03 June – Thursday 31 July

Tuesday 29 April

Types of Qualifying Sessions

The Inn offers a variety of qualifying sessions. Please note the Inn operates a flat rate per qualifying session plus a small premium for events that include meals/accommodation. You can find the rates* and descriptions for the 2023/24 academic year below:

*Rates as of August 2023



Student Rate (Online Rate)

Scholar Rate

Credit (QS)

Advocacy & Ethics Day

Day long programme of advocacy and ethics sessions (interactive).




Advocacy Workshop

Civil/criminal advocacy group workshop, with materials to prepare in advance (interactive).




Debate Dinner

Dinner with a seating plan, followed by a debate on a legal topic with four student/pupil speakers and floor speeches.




Ethics Workshop

Ethics group workshop with materials to prepare in advance (interactive).




Hybrid Lecture

Lecture by a single speaker or panel, followed by questions and a reception.




Lecture & Domus

Lecture given by a single speaker or panel, followed by questions and Domus Dinner (mixed seating plan with members of the Bench and Bar).




Legal Research Training

Training given by the Inn’s librarians on various legal research topics and techniques.




Local Qualifying Sessions (for Outside of London Students)

Organised by the Bar Course Student Representatives and the link Bencher/barrister. Examples include advocacy workshops, lectures and Q&A panels.




Residential Weekend

See further information in the “Residential Weekends” tab below (partially interactive).




Residential Weekends

The Inn organises three residential weekends per year. Only students currently undertaking the Bar Course are eligible and transferring lawyers. It is recommended that you attend one of these weekends as they are a good opportunity to meet Benchers and barristers of the Inn in an informal setting. However, the weekends are heavily oversubscribed so the selection is by ballot.

Each weekend includes talks on different areas of law and advocacy, question and answer sessions with practising barristers, judges and pupils as well as advocacy and ethics workshops. These weekends are hard work and you are required to prepare for them and participate fully but they are also very useful and a lot of fun.

2024/25 Residential Weekends:

The residential weekends at Cumberland Lodge and Scarman House have now taken place.

The final residential weekend of the academic year will take place at Weetwood Hall, Leeds from Friday 31 January to Sunday 02 February 2025.  The ballot for Weetwood Hall has now closed.

Dining Customs

Dining remains an important element of the social and collegiate life of the Inn. While dining on its own is no longer part of the formal qualification for Call to the Bar, the Inn still offers a number of opportunities for members to dine in the Hall throughout the year, as well as other social activities. These include Grand Day, Guest Nights, Sunday Luncheon, Family Day and the Garden Party. Some social events are only open to Benchers/barristers but the majority are also open to student members.  Details are advertised on our website and in the members’ newsletter.

3 students at Call Day in front of New Square Fountain

Qualifying Sessions and Learning Aims for this term

Find out about Qualifying Sessions and Learning Aims for this term

Students studying in the Ashworth Centre

Qualifying Sessions Event Calendar

View the Qualifying Sessions calendar for this term