Member Events
The Inn has developed a varied programme of events and initiatives to increase member engagement with the Inn and deliver what our members need in terms of professional development, networking, social, and wellbeing activities.
Our annual programme of events and initiatives offers something for everyone. We organise a variety of social events to entertain our members. These range from Ordinary Dining, Grand Day, a Gourmet Dinner, a Garden Party and Family Day. We also provide termly Sunday Lunch for members and their guests. Aside from the social events, we also offer a range of wellbeing and professional development events to support members during their career at the Bar, along with diversity forums and networking opportunities.
Our events and initiatives are designed to support our inclusive and diverse professional community and increase engagement with our members. While many of our events take place at the Inn, we have also enhanced our provision and activity further afield, led by the Inn’s Circuit Representatives.
Special Events
In addition to our regular events we also commemorate special anniversaries and offer seasonal and interactive events throughout the year for our members. Details of special events are circulated to members via email and on our What’s On page.
Events Calendar
Members can find an up to date calendar of all upcoming events on our What’s On page. Each event is listed here including information on how to book and other key information such as pricing and specific timings.
Event Pricing
Ticket prices vary depending on the type of event. The price per event will be detailed in the event information on the What’s On section of our website. Please see our annual charges for dining events at the Inn for details of the various ticket prices for members.
We distribute details of upcoming events and news for members in our monthly Member Newsletter. If you are not currently receiving this monthly newsletter via email, please ensure we have your current contact details by using our Keeping in Touch form.